Longman exam accelerator b2 teacher39s book pdf
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It was a concert-standard performance. Only people who want to learn would go to school, so they'd be motivated to study harder. The recordings are usually played twice. Now they have to pay school fees.
One SParker wrote 'Everyone has their own ideas and contributions and Schome Park allows everyone to make these contributions with confidence. Compare and discuss your ideas in small groups. Read it and complete gaps 1-3 with paragraphs A-D. In the middle oi a job, you find yourself daydreaming ::bout your girlfriend, reminiscing about our childhood, watching a silly video on ouTube or wondering what it's like to be 3. There was something else he had to remember, he was sure of it. Share ideas in groups.
Additional points are often awarded for correct pronunciation and intonation. UESTIONS In this type of task you will read several short texts, each accompanied by one multiple-choice question. A Well, to be honest, I hate to see him going out for a leisurely run when I'm working around the clock.
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